Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Input and Output

Input Devices

  1. Graphics Tablets
  2. Cameras
  3. Video Capture Hardware
  4. Barcode reader
  5. Digital camera
  6. Gamepad
  7. Joystick
  8. Keyboard
  9. Microphone
  10. Mouse (pointing device)
  11. Scanner
  12. Webcam
  13. Touchpads
  14. Pen Input
  15. Electronic Whiteboard
Output Devices
  1. Monitor
  2. Printers (all types)
  3. Projector
  4. Speaker(s)
  5. Radio
  6. LCD Projection Panels
  7. Plotters
  8. Computer Output Microfilm (COM) 
Input and Output Devices
  1. Medems
  2. Network cards
  3. Touch Screen
  4. Headsets (Speakers and Microphone) 
  5. Fascisimile (FAX)
  6. Audio Cards/Sound Card
  7. USB

Computer Architecture Diagram

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Bits/Bytes/Compiler & Interpreter

A compiler is a program converts the code into binary, and an interpreter is another program that translates from one code to another. A bit is an aspect to binary code, they are the 1's and 0's. A byte is composed of eight bits. If I want to type the letter "A", it very quickly converts the letter into binary.

1 = On
0 = Off

Computer Architecture: My Perspective

I have no idea what computer architecture is. However, I imagine it to be creating different parts and putting them together to make a product. In computer science class, I think we learn how to utilize computer architecture. 

How does the computer understand what I type?
It understands what I type because in its software it is programmed to recognize i. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Systems Thinking

1. What is a system?
            - A system is a set of connected things forming a complex whole.

2. How does a system work?
            - A system works by having modules (which can have sub-modules), which do specific things to help make the system work smoothly.

3. How does a system relate in computer science?
           - It relates because computer science requires a lot of systems, such as a coding system.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Name Card- Mission Reflection

What was the most enjoyable part of the mission?
I think the most fun part about this mission was the prototype stage, since I enjoy drawing.

What was the least enjoyable part of the mission?
My least favorite was the define stage, since I had a little trouble working out what problems I had to address.

How could this mission change next time to make it more enjoyable?
The mission was already really fun so I do not feel that it needs to be changed.

Name Card- Prototype

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Name Card - Ideate

Name Card - Define

A few challenges during the empathize assignment:

Favorite band
- I like many different bands
- I tried to choose something that defined my music taste the most

Favorite vacation spot
- I thought about where I had the most memories

Name Card - Empathize

I am making a name card for William Rainow. Below is the information William wants to know about me.

Favorite vacation spot - Japan
Favorite band - Fall Out Boy
Instruments I play - Guitar, electric guitar
Favorite sport - Swimming
Favorite hobby - drawing
Favorite color - green 
Favorite book - Harry Potter
Favorite setting in a book - Hogwarts
Favorite month - August
Favorite day of the week - Saturday

Digging Deeper:
Favorite band
Favorite book
Favorite setting in favorite book
Instruments I play
Favorite hobby
Favorite vacation spot

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hello World

Hey, my name is Eva. I am a person that is obssessed with music and bands like twenty one pilots, Fall Out Boy, Beartooth, and Panic! at the Disco, just to name a few. I play guitar and am somewhat good at drawing.

Design Thinking Skills


This is the first stage to the design thinking process. You ask what somebody wants as a product, such as a new phone. 


During this stage, you ask yourself what problems there are. For example, how will you give a phone more storage while still keeping it at the same size. 


The ideate stage is when you start creating the product. You try to address and fix the problems with different solutions, and take customer feedback. 


This is the stage where you start creating the product. You also take more customer feedback. 


This is the last stage to the process. You show your product to other people and they test how well it works and if there are any bugs.